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First Day of School

It's tradition at my house to take a "first day of school" picture. The kids get less and less thrilled every year, but I still do it. Here are the twins before they left for their first day of senior year:Kind of funny that they both wore gray - unplanned of course! I think Kaitlin is putting in her plug for the college she'd like to go to. They had a good day. Found out that at 1800 students, Heights is over their limit by 400 students!!! OMG! I'm not sure what the answer is, but it is WAY TOO CROWDED! I think the northeast side of town needs a new high school. Something needs to be done!

Just finished my Nora Roberts book, and have started New Moon, the second book in Stephenie Meyer's vampire series.

Kaitlin took Abby to the vet yesterday to get her last distemper shot and a rabies shot. The vet told her that she comes from a line of very strong / physically superior cats. I knew there was some reason that she climbs EVERYWHERE in the house, including up your pant leg if you let her, and isn't afraid to rough house with Muffin. She is quite the entertaining kitty!

Have you all been following the story of little Caylee Anthony, the just-turned 3-year-old girl missing in Florida? Her mom needs to come clean about what's happened to her. I am betting she accidentally killed her in a fit of rage, and has been making up stories to cover it up. I hope they find out soon. I pray she is still alive. Such a cute little girl!

Today's quote: "We all have our time machines. Some take us back; they're called memories. Some take us forward; they're called dreams." -- Jeremy Irons


jenny said…
1800 students! Wow! We don't even have that as a population for our whole town. Senior year...ahhhh...those were the days!
Jennifer Lacy said…
that caylee story breaks my heart - i just can't even imagine.

love that you are still taking first day of school pics - very cool!
Heather rules said…
I need to post the picture of Gage on his first day.

I want to beat Caylee's mom and grandmother. Makes me SICK!
Country Girl said…
i just love abby. she reminds me so much of my reiley -- she was chaela's mama.
Chris said…
My mom always took "first day of school" pictures. Even when I went off to college, I was instructed to have someone take a picture of me on the first day. I know I did it the first two years, but I'm not sure after that. It's a great tradition and I'm glad you force your kids. Someday they'll be glad!

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